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Chess 101

From $40

In this curriculum, each section can include lectures, demonstrations, interactive exercises, and hands-on activities where students can practice what they’ve learned. The course can also include practice games where students can apply their newfound skills and receive feedback from the instructor. Additionally, students can study annotated games, watch video lessons, and participate in online chess communities to further their learning and progress

Cooking Herbology

From $40

In this curriculum, each section can include lectures, tastings, demonstrations, and hands-on activities where students can practice using the herbs in various dishes. The course can also cover topics such as herb gardening, herb-infused oils and vinegars, and preserving herbs for year-round use.

Couples 101

From $40

In this curriculum, each section can include lectures, discussions, interactive exercises, and role-plays where couples can practice skills and receive feedback from the instructor. The course can also include readings, video lessons, and opportunities for couples to work on issues specific to their relationship. Additionally, students can participate in online counseling communities and support groups to further their learning and growth as a couple.

Crystallography 101

From $40

In this curriculum, each section can include lectures, group discussions, hands-on activities, and individual projects to help students gain a deeper understanding of the properties and uses of each crystal. Additionally, students can explore additional crystals on their own and present their findings to the class.